Did the Mosaic Covenant Prevent Science from Developing?

Creation.com’s Shaun Doyle has made the argument that the Mosaic covenant actually prevented science from developing. Yes. You read that correctly. He commits this theological overreach in his zeal to force the Bible In an article entitled Aliens and the Bible: Should we leave room for the possibility of sentient aliens?, Doyle lays out his…

Persons With mental Disabilities, Biblical Creationism & the R-Word

No Bible-affirming Christian should EVER use the term “retard,” “retarded” or any other variant of the R-word. It is grievously insensitive and hateful to use someone else’s disability as an insult. Persons with mental disabilities are made in the image of God… in a fallen world.

Were You There, Karl Giberson? How Biologos Dismisses the Testimony of the Creator

Recently, I came across an article by Karl Giberson, Vice President of BioLogos, called Creationists Drive Young People Out of the Church. The title refers to his interpretation of the meaning of a Barna survey: Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church. Reason #3 was “Churches come across as antagonistic to science.” In Giberson’s zeal to paint Bioblical Creationists…

Would Jesus Affirm Evolution?

I ran across a post from theistic evolutionist Paul Wallace that asks readers to tell him how Christ might answer the question, “Hey Jesus, Creation or evolution?” Paul doesn’t give his opinion directly, of course, but the way he frames the list of possible answers makes it pretty clear which way he might lean. In any case,…

Was Noah A Millionaire? James McGrath’s Theology Stumbles On Scripture

What you’re about to read is what happens when a man who doubts the historical veracity of the Bible finds something in the Bible that contradicts his loosely Bible-inspired theology. Basically, he’s stubbed an opinion on a passage of Scripture. It’s sad. It’s instructive. It underscores the truth of Jesus’ warning in John 3:12 about the interconnectedness of…

Does the Bible Teach A Flat Earth?

Bible doubters, even ones who claim to be Christians, often make the accusation that the Bible of teaches a flat Earth. They do this in order to undermine the authority of the Scriptures concerning origins and thereby insert a wedge of doubt by which they can introduce millions of years of microbes-to-man evolution into the Scriptures. In…