Goodbye, Part 2

This part is for those who supported me all these years. Thank you. Thank you so much. I hope you don’t think of this as a betrayal. If I’m honest, I haven’t really been doing much in the way of creation apologetics for a few years now. My heart and my interests have gone elsewhere….

Goodbye, Part 1

Every work comes to an end. Even God, at the end of the 6th day of Creation, looked over His work, saw that it was very good… and rested. He stopped creating. He went on to do something else. And now that time has come for I’ve said everything I set out to say….

Simulation Theory and Creationism: More In Common Than You Think 

Originally posted on
I was reading a 2016 feedback article on, entitled, “Is the universe a simulation?” when I realized how much the allegedly Biblical principles that modern creationists tout in support of their Earthbound religious perspective have in common with Simulation Hypothesis.? For those of you who don’t know what Simulation…’s Argument from Ignorance and Exoplanet GJ 357 d

An article from Creation Ministries International by by Matthew Cserhati and Jonathan Sarfati has been making rounds on the internet. Entitled “Have astrobiologists really found a super-Earth?“, the article examines the recent news about scientific research that suggests GJ 357 d is a potentially habitable exoplanet. Before launching into their analysis, Sarfati and Cserhati engage…

Christian Transhumanism’s Redemption Problem

Originally posted on The Eschaton is Near:
The Christian Tranhumanist Association speaks a lot about redemption. For example, the CTA’s Executive Director Micah Redding quotes his Founding Chair, Christopher Benek, as saying: “I don’t see Christ’s redemption limited to human beings. It’s redemption to all of creation, even AI. If AI is autonomous, then we…

What does Christian Transhumanism mean?

Originally posted on The Eschaton is Near:
It’s helpful sometimes to define terms do that everyone is on the same page. The Oxford Dictionary defines transhumanism as: “The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.” The question for many…

Because He Lives!

“Because He lives I can face tomorrow!/ Because He lives all fear is gone/ Because I know, I know He holds the future/ And life is worth the living just because He lives!” The hymn “Because He Lives,” written by Bill Gaither, reflects the Biblical promise of John 24:19, when Jesus said: “…because I live,…

So Much Depends on Evolution?

“So much depends on evolution,” claims, a website showcasing the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Museum’s intent to make a year-long celebration of Darwinism. The claim is common to Darwinist polemics, so it’ll be useful to critique the claims of the site. First, we should ask, What actually depends on evolution? Well, that…

Are Children Born Atheists? Science Suggests Otherwise.

A few years ago, I read the following claim pastor-turned-atheist Bruce Gerencser: “Every child born into this world is born an atheist. They don’t know one thing about god or religion. They don’t know about sin, salvation, or morality. As far as god and religion are concerned, every newborn is a blank slate. Belief in…

What’s Wrong With Christmas Is What’s Right About Halloween

Every year as the holidays approach, the Christian corner of the Internet erupts in a frenzy over whether or not a particular holiday should be celebrated. No holiday is more vigorously disputed amongst Christians than Halloween. Typically, I ignore the debate, but this year I read something that made me feel a response is warranted….

Did the Mosaic Covenant Prevent Science from Developing?’s Shaun Doyle has made the argument that the Mosaic covenant actually prevented science from developing. Yes. You read that correctly. He commits this theological overreach in his zeal to force the Bible In an article entitled Aliens and the Bible: Should we leave room for the possibility of sentient aliens?, Doyle lays out his…