Friggin Reason

There are those who say we ought to rely upon reason alone, but this is irrational in the face of reality. Those who say they believe we ought to rely solely upon reason are defeated before they begin, for they believe in reason. One cannot deduce either the origin or the reliability of reason; it…

Gnomes ala Warcraft – Funny!

I don’t usually just provide links to other sites, but this is just too funny: Gnomes Rock! 10 Reasons Why. Enjoy, —Sirius Knott

“Absent from the body” & Ghosts

I found myself discussing whether ghosts were possible from a Christian POV. Most of our discussion revolved around the phrase, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” and Christ’s words to the repentant thief, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.”  I personally think that ghosts as restless…

Jesus & The Doctrine of Separation

Would Jesus have been a good fundamentalist? I’ve often commented that I’m trying to put the “fun” back into fundamentalist because, let’s face it, the “duh” and the “mental” are pretty much covered. Due to the separationist nature of the fundamentalist movement, we tend to be more divided and nitpicky than we are unified and,…

Hannah Montana & the Shortsighted Parents of Doom

When you work in the ticketing industry for a while, you get a sense of the ebb and flow of the business. Oh, at first, you’re overwhelmed, popping blood pressure pills like candy and clueless as a newborn babe. Yet all-too-soon, you find you can anticipate when the untimely call spike or torturous doldrums will…

The Bible Stands

I find it amazing that every time I hear someone state that the Bible is full of contradictions that most of them haven’t even read it, much less can cite a specific example. Others forget to take into account things like context and figures of speech. Here’s an article I found with lots of good…

A Critique of the Archko Library

I. Introduction    It should be said that before coming  to the church this article was originally addressed to, I had never before heard of the Archko Library.    I’m an avid reader with a voracious appetite for theology, but it had never come to my notice. I grew up in Bible-believing, Bible-preaching fundamentalist churches,…

Implications of the Rabbit 15

Included on the Lost Season 3 DVD [disc 7] is an orientation video for Station 6. I found this synopsis on wikipedia: “A video aired at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con shows footage of an orientation video for Station 6 (“The Orchid”), in which “Edgar Halowax” explains that, contrary to Dharma’s statements that the station…

Playing Church

In all of our well-intentioned efforts, there is an all-too-common error we can fall into in the name of Christianity: playing “church”. When I was a kid, we played make-believe a lot. We’d play “house”, “school” (no fun, unless you get to be the teacher!), “cops and robbers”, “cowboys and indians”, and anything else that…